13 years at August Müller
We would like to thank Gerald Bohn for the many wonderful years. And we wish him a wonderful time in retirement.
Arrival of the new machine
The wait is over. Our new machine has arrived.
3D printer in use
We will be using 3D printing at the beginning of 2024
A new star at August Müller
We congratulate Lenny Knirsch for being awarded Best Zerspaner in his training year 2023.
We are delighted to have adopted Lenny and we are confident that he will continue to be successful in the future.
New machine up and running
Finally! A new machine has been added to our production department with the recent arrival of our new 5-axis milling machine. We can now produce even faster and more precisely.
We’re expanding our machinery
Quicker, more flexible and more precise – we have expanded our machinery with another high-performance milling. Ask now and take advantage of our capacity.
Always up to date: we are training
Our training center is finished! We form now from the machinist and toolmaker. Apply now and be part of our team.
25 years at August Müller
Some people are an important part of a company. We say “THANK YOU!” and send our best wishes to our loyal employee Karsten Willeke for his 25th anniversary in our company.
25 years at August Müller
He ist part of our team for 25 years now, and we shout out a big “THANK YOU!” to Moussa Balawni.
40 years at August Müller
MSome people’s lives are thrilling, some are living for the milling. August Müller CNC Zerspanungstechnik says “THANKS A MILLION!” and congratulates Alwin Arlt on his unbelievable 40th jubilee at our company.
A star is Born
Congratulations to our trainee Jan-Hendrik Hütter, who made a fabulous 3rd place at the CCI Lüneburg-Wolfsburg’s honoring of the best in the category of CNC machining. Instructor Andreas Born points out, that he left nearly the complete field of this year’s machining trainees behind, and we are emphasizing our position as Training and Innovation company.
We take the lead
With the beginning of the new year, Mr. Eicke Kaiser from production planning also enriches the strategic and operational management of August Müller Zerspanungstechnik GmbH. He is replacing his father and long-standing managing partner, Mr. Peter Kaiser, as the new managing director and will bring a breath of fresh air to the management of the company as of 01.01.2021.
On July 1, 1946, the founder August Müller (far right in the picture) laid the foundation stone of our current company.
We would like to thank everyone who supported and accompanied us on this journey!
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